Common name. In actual history, Zenobia was an ancient queen believed to be related to Cleopatra. People who have this name tend to be kick ass.
Zenobia sure is fucking cool! I wanna be her friend!
by cbi21 October 14, 2006
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zenobia is a cool person. Every zenobia looks flawless and should have 0 insecurities. All zenobias are practically goddesses. Zenobia's are very insecure even with their killer looks, most Zenobias tend to have a lighter skin tone with awfully dark hair.
Aiden: I call dibs!
by coolNFTSdontex1st May 5, 2022
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Of Greek decent, not well known in san Marcos. Women with this name tend to like large amounts of cheese in their quesadillas, or mounds of tajin on their pepino. They don't like beer, have extreme cleaning impulses and google anything from synonyms to Payless stores.
Bro1 "dude, I was mid googling epitome when I ran across the coolest name ever!"

Bro2 "no way brahh!! Was it zenobia??"

Bro1 "yea dude how'd you know??"

Bro2 "well my A/C blows directly at me because my window is right behind me so I get cold at night and use a blanket and cover my face so my lips don't get chapped"

Bro1 "sounds radical...can I read your physics book by any chance?"
by GoogleIt April 8, 2013
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A cool bean! Likes broccoli and hates chocolate. You can always count on them. Very energetic.
Zenobia is a name for people, okay
by cyan_penguin December 3, 2018
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A person of sadits dreams. Sadit is for zen. zen is for sadit uwu
by SaditTrust May 14, 2022
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